This Week’s Prototype: Capsule Defense

Capsule Defense

Capsule Defense

I present to you: Capsule Defense

To Play:

  • Move the turret by moving the mouse left and right.
  • Fire by pressing the mouse button.
  • Go here to try it out.
  • Come back and add a comment on this page telling me what you think.

About the Process:

This week’s prototype comes from the mind of my little brother . . . though it doesn’t nearly do the original concept justice.

My Brother’s Concept: Let’s make a tower defense game like Plant vs. Zombies where you get to build your own weapons from parts you earn each level.

What Actually Happened: I only managed to get done with a single gun and a mindless capsule target.  So today, before writing this post, I added a little swivel and a Mindless Capsule Target instantiator and made a sort of Missile Command clone.  Yay!

You might have detected a discrepancy between concept and result.  That would be from not putting enough time into it to do the concept justice. C’est la vie.  Perhaps another week we’ll get a more fleshed out version.


Currently playing: The Beatles Rock Band