Helping Wildlife


Today I’m writing to ask for your help.  I put together a little cause marketing deal with the Association of Zoos and Aquariums to help raise them $10,000.  So far we’ve managed $4,000.  If you take a look at the left-hand side of the blog, you can see a meter representing out progress so far.

The idea is to help the AZA through monetary donation as well as by increasing awareness of endangered and exotic wildlife around the world.  We created a game called Safari Sketch over at Red Rover Games that we’re hoping will do this for them.  Safari Sketch is a fun, addictive match-3 game that includes about 60 pieces of original wildlife artwork by my good artist friend, Tom Martinez Jr.  Through the course of the game, the player can unlock artwork and brief journal entries for each of the 60 specimens in the game.  The AZA checked over our information for accuracy and up-to-datedness (I’m sure there’s a word for that, but I can’t think of one at the moment).

So I’m asking my readers and anyone else who passes through to pick up a copy of Safari Sketch and we’ll donate a portion of the proceeds to the AZA.



Currently playing: Mafia Wars, FarmVille, Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction

Jumping Bean Gets Promoted!

¡Hola, amigos!

Image by Tom Martinez Jr.

My team and I have decided to promote the Jumping Bean prototype to full-on game status!  We’ve started an eight week production to create a full iPhone game based on the constant jumping theme of Jumping Bean.

We’re starting with the simple concept of Super Mario Bros. with the jump button on auto-rapid fire.  The game will feature designed (i.e. not procedural like the original prototype) levels with playful graphics and a classic platformer feel with the auto-jumping twist.

Iteration #1:

Jumping Bean SMB1-1

The first iteration of this concept exists here and includes a level based directly on Super Mario Bros. level 1-1.

The comments for this iteration included:

  • Need some enemies
  • The jumping feels floaty under ceilings
  • The control feels a little too precise, giving the player little to master in regards to the platforming
  • We’ll need more complex levels, including moving platforms
  • Could get a sense of depth by adding parallaxing

Some of this feedback was implemented in iteration #2.

Iteration #2:

Jumping Bean SMB1-1b

The second iteration (found here) is actually starting to feel like a game and is almost as good in quality of many of the free games on the iPhone, which means anything we add from here on we can charge for ; ).  We added some simple enemies, adjusted the feeling of the jumps, and added to the game a concept Tom drew up for our lovable amigo.

Some of our feedback at this point:

  • It’s time to start thinking about the game’s color palette
  • Should think about having a way to get rid of enemies
  • More variety in the enemies would be good
  • Restarting the whole level every time the player makes a mistake is probably a little harsh

I’m feeling really good about the progress on this one (of course we have Unity3D to thank for that) and the type of game we are shaping up to make.  It will be exciting to see how it progresses over the next eight weeks!


Currently playing: Super Mario Bros., Jumping Bean

Safari Sketch for iPhone Feature List

Safari Sketch for iPhone . . . sorta.

I’m buckling down on the design for the iPhone version of Safari Sketch.  (If you haven’t played it yet, please check it out here!)  We want to support the Association of Zoos and Aquariums as much as we can with Safari Sketch, so I’m trying to get the iPhone version out as soon as possible.  Right now I’m looking at date of submission to Apple around the end of the month.  Much to do!

Tonight the task was to decide which of the features from the original I would keep, which I wouldn’t and what, if any, would be the new iPhone-specific features.  The following is the list as it stands right now.  If you’ve got an opinion or a suggestion so far, speak up now or . . . well you know the rest ; )

Feature List:

– Basic gameplay remains the same match-3 mechanic we all know and love.  Right now that part is running super smoothly on the iPhone and I’m very happy with the performance.

– I’ve decided to keep all the powerups, including the erasers that I originally thought I would do without.  If I took them out, I’d still want to reward the player for matching five.  Since the eraser is a good powerup for that, I just left it.

– After much self-debate, I’ve decided to keep the journals.  Tom‘s art is just too good to be left out.

– I’m going to strip the game down to a single game mode.  It will basically play like the old Relaxed mode, but with the art-unlocking aspect from the Safari mode.

– The main menu will be removed in favor of a jump-into-the-game approach.  Once the game loads it will immediately start the last level the user didn’t complete instead of forcing the user to go through two or three menus to get to the game.

– The pause menu will now contain the journal viewing option and the profile management menu.

– Some iPhone specific features I want to add:

  • Toggle the option to ignore calls while playing
  • Toggle the option to allow iPod playback while playing
  • Set the big animal pictures as wallpapers for the iPhone

So all in all the iPhone version will retain much of the original Safari Sketch, streamlining it into a single relaxed game type and going directly to the action.  I think this will suit the iPhone user well, as it will allow them to pick up and play quickly and for short bouts.


Currently playing: Jumping Bean, Rock Band, Prince of Persia

Jumping Bean

Tonight I present to you last week’s prototype: Jumping Bean.


  • Arrow keys <- and -> will move the bean left and right accordingly.
  • Refresh the game’s page to get a new level (each level is created randomly).
  • Go here to play.

How this came to be:

Jumping Bean came about as an exercise in creating a procedural 2D platforming game.  I still want to come back to this one and create a fun Mexican jumping bean theme for the art . . . “Next time, Gadget . . . Next time!”

I started with two platforms to develop the basic collision between the platforms and my capsule character (gotta love the quick and dirty programmer art).  The “bean” has a simple script based on Unity’s built-in FPS Walker script that limits the player to moving in only two dimensions (with the arrow keys) and jumping (with spacebar).

After I felt good about the way the bean was jumping around I created an instantiation script that created a given number of platforms along the x plane.  As it created each platform the instantiator would set the platforms length randomly based on a range inputed in the Unity editor and created a gap based on a second range.  This gave me a nice line of platforms that varied each time the game was restarted.

I tweaked the gap and platform sizes a bit until I got something that felt pretty good, but realized that the game was still pretty easy.  I wanted to add a little challenge so I played with a few different ideas until I hit one where the bean just continually jumped on its own.  (To be honest, I was inspired by an iPhone game I’d been shown a while back by my buddy Tom.  I don’t remember what the app was called, but it is quite addictive.)  This gave me something pretty fun where the player only had control over where the bean jumped but not when it jumped.  It also simplified the control scheme, which I’m always a fan of : )

So now I had my jumping bean and a single row of platforms.  I wanted to make the levels more interesting so I added two more platform instantiators for a middle and upper row of platforms, too.  This made things more interesting to look at and jump around on.  I wanted, however, to make the player have to be conscious of where they were jumping, and the game wasn’t doing that quite yet.  Plus the player had no reason to be jumping around, so I added . . . duhn duhn DUHN . . . little white dots.  MMMMMM.

Since we had something good and yummy to collect, I wanted something bad and not so tasty to avoid.  Thus the little red menacing mines were created.  Both the dots and the mines were sent to the platform instantiators to decide randomly where to put them, giving the player a different experience each time they reset the game.

This one was a couple/few afternoons of work . . . I have yet to manage a full week on one, but I’m hopeful for the future!


Currently playing: Prince of Persia